Stakeholder Engagement

IAQA maintains an awareness of operating within a particular cultural, legal and social context. Consulting and seeking advice wherever appropriate are therefore key hallmarks of all operations and sectoral engagements. In this way, the Agency respects the variety of institutional experiences relating to quality assurance and recognises differences in organisational form, mission, size and scope.

IAQA engages with its stakeholders through various sectoral bodies, i.e., the Quality Forum for Icelandic Universities, the Research Evaluation Advisory Committee and the National Union of Icelandic Students. These groups form key points of liaison with the Agency and significantly benefit the ongoing development and enhancement of internal quality assurance across the sector. 

Other stakeholder engagement takes place through regular meetings between the Agency and institutional leadership, as well as regular meetings with the Icelandic Rectors' Conference and the Ministry. IAQA also meets with other groups or national agencies as required, both in terms of consultation or where there are aspects of mutual interest in relation to emerging sectoral policy or developments. 

IAQA hosts an annual enhancement-oriented conference with the aim of supporting a dialogue between the agency and its stakeholders with external speakers on current and key topics. IAQA also supports events run by the stakeholder groups themselves.

Main Stakeholder Groups

  • The Icelandic Rectors' Conference (RC) is a standing committee of the Rectors of Higher Education Institutions that have been accredited by the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation. It operates according to the framework law on Higher Education Institutions, Acts on HEI's, no. 63/2006, Art. 26.  The Rectors Conference provides a forum for the process of forming joint policies and opinions, it has regular meetings and addresses topics on higher education.
  • The Quality Forum for Icelandic Universities (QF) is a sectoral collaborative body managed by lead quality officers of the Icelandic HEIs. It consists of senior staff with responsibility for quality from each institution, in addition to two student representatives appointed by LÍS. Representatives from IAQA and the Ministry attend meetings as observers.
  • The National Union of Icelandic Students (LÍS) is an umbrella organisation of Icelandic student unions. The aim of LÍS is to represent and promote the interests of students towards all relevant bodies in Iceland and internationally, and to create a platform for collaboration for Icelandic student unions. LÍS is a member of the European Students’ Union.
  • Labour Market Representatives are a stakeholder group that supports the Board's understanding of labour market needs in the context of higher education. Representatives include the Confederation of Icelandic Enterprise (Samtök atvinnulífsins), the Federation of Icelandic Industries (Samtök iðnaðarins), the Confederation of University Graduates (Bandalag háskólamanna) and the Education and Training Service Centre (Fræðslumiðstöð Atvinnulífsins).