The Board is the supreme governing body of IAQA. The Board comprises a minimum of four senior international experts and a student representative. All Board members are appointed by the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation for six years, with the exception of the student who is appointed for two years. Student Board members are nominated by the National Union for Icelandic Students (LÍS).
The Board meets in Iceland in March, May, September and November each year.
Prof Crichton Lang
Former Vice-Chancellor and Principal, University of the Highlands and Islands
Board Member 2021-2023, Board Chair 2023-2029
Prof Riitta Pyykkö
Former Vice Rector, University of Turku
Board Member 2019-2025
Prof Elsa Núñez
President of Eastern Connecticut State University
Board Member 2023-2029
Gaga Gvenetadze
PhD student in Applied Social Psychology, Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University
Board Member 2025-2027
Prof Jean-Marc Rapp
Former Rector of University of Lausanne and former president of the Swiss Accreditation Council
Board Member 2024-2030
Prof Andrea Nolan
Principal & Vice Chancellor of Edinburgh Napier University
Board Member 2024-2030
The Secretariat is responsible for operational planning and management of all IAQA activities, including implementing the Quality Enhancement Framework. The Secretariat is accountable to the Board and reports regularly to the Board.
Dr Ólöf Gerður Sigfúsdóttir
Executive Director
Þorgerður Edda Hall
Senior Advisor
Sigríður Vala Vignisdóttir
The Operational Group consists of the Board Chair, the Executive Director and the Senior Advisor. The Operational Group meets regularly to discuss operational issues and other ad hoc matters between Board meetings.
The Research Evaluation Advisory Committee (REAC) is an advisory committee to the Board. Its main responsibilities are supporting IAQA in the operation and implementation of the evaluation framework for research management within the QEF, to inform IAQA about latest developments in the area of research and research management within the Icelandic higher education sector, and to provide a platform for mutual sharing of information and rising matters in relation to research and research management between IAQA and the Icelandic higher education sector.
REAC is chaired by an IAQA Board member and includes one member from each HEI, a representative of the Icelandic Science and Innovation Policy Council, a representative of the Quality Forum for Icelandic Universities, a doctoral student and a postdoctoral researcher.
The Appeals Committee is responsible for processing any appeals request received from an institution which has been reviewed by IAQA, according to IAQA’s Appeals Procedure.