06 May 2024
IAQA is pleased to introduce the third cycle of the Icelandic Quality Enhancement Framework (QEF). Running from 2024 to 2029, this cycle promotes institutional responsibility while providing independent external assurance that Icelandic universities are equipped to secure and enhance the quality of their activities.
Key changes are twofold: greater autonomy for the universities in their internal quality assurance strategies, and a more holistic approach to external quality assurance. The institution-wide review now formally incorporates educational provision, research and innovation, and links between internal quality systems and strategic management. Furthermore, societal engagement is introduced as an emerging area of evaluation.
The third cycle of the QEF has been designed in close dialogue with the Icelandic higher education sector and focuses on continued dynamic stakeholder engagement. While firmly rooted in Icelandic cultural, legal and social contexts, it is benchmarked against standards and approaches to quality assurance across the European Higher Education Area, including the ESG.